Shield (Season Five) Chronicles pt. 2
Our author returns for the second installment of his Shield (Season five) Chronicles.
Well dear readers, must I apologize for my neglegence in writing a Shield review days after the actual episode aired? No? Good.
What can I say? It certainly seems that Kavanaugh wants Vic by the short and curlies, but Vic ain’t goin’ down without a fight…and that’s why we like him. On one hand it says a great deal about the evolution of modern television, that Shawn Ryan expects us to remember all the details of the first season four years later. For the life of me, though, I had forgotten that Vic and Shane got away with being the only ones to know that Vic took out Crowley. So when Kavanaugh was blasting Lem about knowing the truth about Crowley, I thought to myself, “Damn, how can Lem look so genuinely shocked.” What the hell, though. He’s an actor.
I was impressed nevertheless that Vic held his ground when Lem asked him the truth about Crowley. Vic teaches us that it takes great personal delusion to be a modern anti-hero. I’ll be interested to see what angle Kavanaugh takes next.
I’m convinced at this point that Claudette has something seriously life-threatening. I wanted to believe otherwise, but it’s possible that Shawn intends to take down the entire barn when the show ends. As for the case she and Dutch investigated, all I can say is, when I find myself hitting bottom as an alcoholic, aversion therapy will be my first attempt at recovery.
There wasn’t a whole lot to say about this episode otherwise. After watching the first four seasons, you learn that some episodes are just filler in-between the season-arcs. To put it in X-files terms, there’s monster of the week episodes and mythology, only for the Shield, it’s homicide of the week versus conspiracy episodes. At least, that’s my take on it. Join us next week when Kavanaugh gets some real evidence and Vic beats up a hooker.
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